Star Vs The Forces of Evil – Running With Scissors Review! "Heka-boo"!


Star Vs The Forces of Evil – Running With Scissors Review! "Heka-boo"!

Hekaboo is my baby girl, I love these fire girls! Amazing episode, with amazing developments!

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Tag: -21787, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, Star Butterfly, Running With Scissors Review, Running With Scissors, Running With Scissors Analysis, Star Vs The Forces of Evil Review, Marco Diaz, Adult Marco, Hekapoo, Heka-boo, Marco Grows Up, Marco and Hekaboo, Star’s Training, Marco’s Training, SVTFOE, Cartoon Review, Ludo, Interdimentional Scissors, Dimentional Scissors, Marco’s Scissors, SliceofOtaku, Magic Scissors

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  1. Something that annoyed my sister star butterfly star fire both alians both don't understand earth culture to we'll both shot laser's what's the difference PS I like the show and plan on watching latter when I have time no hate plz

  2. the imagery of marco and star being on the blades of the scissors was pretty damn symbolic, if you think about it. they are no longer on the same maturity level, and since he has his 'hot bod,' you just KNOW that he's no longer a virgin, so yeah, I'm guessing he wouldn't be interested in any of the girls at his school, because he's technically 30 years old, despite being in a 14 year old body…and now he has to go through puberty again…great.

  3. I honestly think she let him blow the flame because she though he deserve it. I mean, she could have made a thousand more clones at any moment, and keep running till he die from old. Still this is one of my favorite episodes, it is just awesome.


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