Graphic Design – Adobe CC Classroom in a Book Review


Graphic Design – Adobe CC Classroom in a Book Review

Looking to learn Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign? Adobe’s Classroom in a Book series may be just right for you.
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Tag: adobe illustrator classroom in a book, Books to learn graphic design, Adobe Classroom in a book Photoshop, Adobe Classroom in a book Illustrator, Adobe Classroom in a book InDesign, Adobe Classroom in a book Premier Pro, Learn graphic design from books, Adobe classroom in a book after effects, adobe premiere pro cc classroom in a book, adobe classroom in a book, is adobe classroom in a book worth it?, adobe classroom in a book review, learn photoshop book, learn illustrator book, learn indesign book

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  1. I am sure you have heard this by now, but just in case, you can use the ISBN Number found in all books and eBooks to access the lesson files for all Adobe CIB"S on, Providing they still have that volume available. Since people grab these up as quick as they come on the open market, the price never comes down even for CS2 through the present. If you have CIB for CS3 don't buy CS4, they are practically identical. As for CS5 versions, that is an odd duck because they upgraded right in the middle of their cycle. CS5 and CS5.5 Then comes the last of the True CS6 if your smart you will find the hard copy for that puppy. But there are ways of prolonging the use of the CC series. (secrets) I can't do it, my conscience keeps me up at night if I don't over pay my hair dresser. Anyway feel free to email if you want any information about the older products.

  2. Thanks for the review. I've spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how to resize and rotate basic shapes. I just want to learn what I can do with illustrator and what to click, which key to hit, etc.

    I'm trying to learn about digital art. I've been drawing (seriously) for over ten years with pen, ink, marker, etc in a graphic style. It is really tough to sell originals. Making prints would make my art much more affordable for more people.

    I know that with Adobe Illustrator and the iPad companion app Draw, I can do what I visualize. I need to learn the program without my head exploding from a frustration induced aneurysm. 

    I'll give the book shot. Thanks for taking the time to make the video. I'll see how it goes.

    Best wishes

  3. The Classroom book's are heavily bombarded with so much squeezed literature, they could of been formatted better. They require from the reader a 100percent focus of following along, otherwise any reader can be easily further confused.

    They are also very longwinded with so much to look at. I use them, but boy I had to re-read them many times, before using them as a practical guide working alongside my computer.

    And since I have used them in practice, there is so much repitition in these books.

  4. I'm currently reading a rather old book 100% Photoshop by Steve Caplin. I was trying to do the metal ring exercise but after step 5, I don't make sense anymore. I tried several work-arounds but all just looked bad. BTW, do you think it's possible to work in graphics design field if you are not a graduate of the course?

  5. So basically you're saying that the books are good for learning the software and the technical aspect about creating a design (positioning, colours etc) but not really for learning a Graphic Design techniques? I hope that make sense. Also, does the CD or code provided with the book allows you to use the software fully or do I have to buy the ssoftware?

  6. nice review, I'm your 90 sub btw. I like books but I usually read them for free online. You should do review on some free stuff you can learn online, I stumbled on take a look its free and its great, I think it's better than treehouse in my opinion, sry for my english it's not my native language. thx for the review


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