Trusted sites to download ps4 fake pkg and ps vita vpk files


Trusted sites to download ps4 fake pkg and ps vita vpk files

ps4 fake page games & updates :

ps vita vpk site :

ds4vita :

psvita 3.70 update :

Play FW 3.69+ Games on Older firmware :

SDtoVita Adapter :

Micro SD Card :

8gb PSVita Card :

16gb PSVita Card :

32gb PSVita Card :

64gb PSVita Card :


Youtube :






Thank you!

Tag: download game ps vita vpk, ps4 fake pkg update, ps vita vpk files, games download, ps4, playstation4 games download free, free games, vita games, vitaiso, vitaios, best vita sites, best vita games, best playstation4 games

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  1. For gta 5 pkg on darksoftware, there’s a filecrypt link, and I can’t download the files because it shows up on jdownloader as “wrong captcha” and I really don’t fancy downloading 88 files manually

    Help pls

  2. Hi there! I got some questions, don't worry they're simple ones lol.
    1. Lots of games I've downloaded are not vpk some are win, cpk, psarc, bin, etc… These games come with folders filled with lots of data, is there a way to make it work? Would I need to use JDownloader to make it one?

    2. How do I add psp games onto my Vita, I got one and it was a iso file so it didn't work, I downloaded Adrenaline and eBubblePsp Emulator, but didn't move forward with its instructions.

    3. Last question, my Vita restarts itself alot now and sometimes it'll say memory card is corrupt. So I'll just switch it on and back off and it's fine. Is that normal on a home-brewed device lol

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you again for being so awesome 🙂 x

  3. hi, im on 5.05 jailbreak. Im thinking about to update my ps4 so that i can play spider man on my ps4. There are only a few titles i want to have so i thought about updating my ps4. Do you think there will be a mod or downgrade availbe soon to run the newer games? Becaus if not i will update. This is so bad that you have to wait half a year or 1 year to be aible to play newer games.

  4. What is the difference between fake pkg files and normal pkg files? I guess for jailbreak we use fake pkgs right? And ps store uses normal pkg files, am I right? Are all the jailbreak game pkgs are the fake pkgs? Sorry I am noob about this but trying to learn

  5. I have a question thats bothering me,,,i just jailbreak my friend's ps4 with al azif method and i saw it has been updated they added mods for psyco and others and when i try to update mine through cache it doesnt work i dont see those mods the only thing changed is i had hen 1.v6 now its 1.v7 !! what i can do to get these mods shown ???? thx

  6. Nice! here are some of the sites i use:

  7. I hate parted files so i prefer single part files. And i dont prefer Google Drive or others. I prefer torrent. I downloaded 750GBs of games from I highly suggest uniondht. It shares only torrent. Only problem with uniondht is it is Russian site. So you have to use Google translate if you dont know Russian.


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