00:00 Intro
00:21 Runes
03:20 Abusing Ghost Poro Bug
05:05 New Items worth bringing?
05:40 Item Build Order
06:24 Alternative Korean Build
07:35 Clear Order
09:20 Dragon Changes
11:15 Rift Herald Changes and Elder Dragon

What to do in the new preseason? Is Master Yi still viable? Find out today in Cowsep’s Preseason 2020 guide for Season 10!

Cowsep streams League of Legends every day on twitch! Check it out:

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Outro Music:
Jon Andreas Edland – Facing Greater Forces

I love Master Yi and Master Yi loves you.

Tag: cách chơi master yi ap, best master yi, best yi, master yi montage, league of legends, Cowsep, cowsep jungle, Sepimnida, cowsep master yi, Cowsep Stream Highlights, Cow Sep, cowsep yi, master yi, master yi guide, cowsep, cowsep vietnam, cowstep vietnam, cowsep zhonya’s, master yi highlight, lmht, cowsep lmht, lmht cowsep, vietnam lmht, season 10, preseason 2020, master yi season 10, season 10 master yi, cowsep guide, cowsep season 10, cowsep preseason, preseason guide, season 10 guide

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  1. 00:00 Intro

    00:21 Runes

    03:20 Abusing Ghost Poro Bug

    05:05 New Items worth bringing?

    05:40 Item Build Order

    06:24 Alternative Korean Build

    07:35 Clear Order

    09:20 Dragon Changes

    11:15 Rift Herald Changes and Elder Dragon

  2. Hello my friend Cowsep can you find the good runes ( mastery ) for this region EU ? because what you show here is not working very well in this region , special when you have trollers and afk players :)))))))))))))

  3. By the way for anyone actually reading this. You can still get minute 20/21 baron solo. As far as I tested you only need 1 smite if your heal runes are stacked up, 1 ult, and you should have jungle item, rageblafe death/witsend and one part of the the other. For example a witsend and the Vampiric cepter of deaths stance. If you don't have this you can convince one of your teammates to help out

  4. I appreciate you trying to add flare in your background, and I am definitely watching for the information content. However, if you want to go for appearance I would show some examples of gameplay in the background, only a friendly tip. Thanks again for all the group info and tips! GL on the rift!

  5. I'm having problems with the ghost poro bug. When i place two trinkets i swap to red trinket, after the red trinket cooldown how come I only get one yellow trinket instead of two?

  6. Hey cowsep, what do you think about buying guinsoo's rageblade before the blood razor (while still getting challenger smite early)? I play in a lower elo and run flash so there usually isn't too much happening early game. However, with guinsoo first complete item, I can still clear camps really quickly but have the potential to 1v2 the enemies(without too many cc). I have been doing everything else exactly like you described in this guide including always going for the lv4 solo dragon and I have got pretty good success. Thanks for the videos, keep up the good work!


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