Easyclass | Secure, online class management tool (LMS)


Easyclass | Secure, online class management tool (LMS)

Easyclass is a platform that allows educators to create online classes whereby they can store the course materials online; manage assignments, quizzes and exams; monitor due dates; grade results and provide students with feedback all in one place.

Tag: easyclass, Student, teacher, instructor, class, course, assignment, lms, learning management system, class management, quiz, event, calendar, digital class, edmodo, schoology, eliademy, blackboard, engrade, moodle

Xem thêm bài viết về PC: https://sherimoonzombie.net/pc

Nguồn: https://sherimoonzombie.net

Filed under: PC


  1. Esté Video é importante quando uma pessoa se destaca no papel de lider sem possuir forçosamente um cargo de liderança
    Lider está relacionada com a motivação Porque um Lider eficaz saber como motivar os elementos do seu grupo ou equipa

  2. I have been using this site for online classes for 6 classes now but this year my students have experienced a lot of crashes and I'm definitely looking for a new platform for next time.

  3. I'm a bit suspicious, the site keeps crashing often, people are here asking how to delete their accounts, no updates here on Youtube for four years and even Google doesn't tell you too much about this site. Maybe better to find a commercial service anyway.


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