DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 – 15 Minutes of New Gameplay Demo PS4 (2018)


DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 – 15 Minutes of New Gameplay Demo PS4 (2018)

DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 – 15 Minutes of New Gameplay Demo PS4 (2018) 真・三國無雙8

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Tag: dynasty warriors 9 gameplay, [vid_tags]

Xem thêm bài viết về PC: https://sherimoonzombie.net/pc

Nguồn: https://sherimoonzombie.net

Filed under: PC


  1. This kind of game needs an huge change. For example we play as foot soldier, make the npc smarter, need to scale the damage dealt by our hero or the enemy. Make it similar darksoul, you cant charge in recklessly. The other alternative is make this game like moba vs other player. Need a teamwork with player and npc. player will win the game if they can take out enemy general/destroying enemy base/protecting catapult/defend the gate or many other thing that can make this game great again

  2. I really like the dynasty warriors franchise and I gotta say this one looks amazing and I really like it . But  if they don't get the whole open world thing right, this game might fail. Cause it could be a huge success or a huge failure. Obviously I hope it doesn't fail but we will have to wait and see

  3. Been playing the DW games among other musou for years. I have to say I'm liking the change of pace they are taking with this one. I'm hoping to fall in love with the series all over again. However…those ladder climbing animations, though lol

  4. If only this dynasty warriors used UNREAL ENGINE 4 ..it would be great since it is the latest and had been used in other latest games ..and also the AI and difficulty must be upgraded…imho , when battling an officer it would at least be like For honor and duel like the Naruto Storm and also the officer must be hard and smart like doing combos like the player does
    I hope this game would be like that


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