Classroom of the Elites Light Novel Opening 2 (Fanmade)


Classroom of the Elites Light Novel Opening 2 (Fanmade)

Tag: elite classroom, Classroom of the Elites, youkoso jitsuryoku shijou shugi, Light novel, COTE, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

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  1. Chinese translation
    0:03 true strength, what is equality
    0:08 equality…but, inequality…reality
    0:11 In order to verify the rationality of these two things, there are few deviations in the established life
    0:14 being a normal person, living here for 3 years, that is my goal.
    0:23 what is evil, anything that is weak is evil
    0:25 genius and madness is Neighbors
    0:29 truth
    0:30 rule
    0:31 betrayal
    0:31 Youth intertwined with struggle and friendship
    0:33 Hiding talent by itself is an outstanding talent
    0:36 having a smart enemy is better than a bumb allies
    0:39 people are bound to taste the bitterness of freedom
    0:43 the start of school life
    0:44 unknown past
    0:45 let's hope we can have a fun time in these 3 years of experience
    0:47 unfortunately, wishes and reality is always accompanied by distance
    0:48 for being the worst class, D class
    0:50 – 0:51 everyone has various of different weaknesses, even if they make it to society, they will be labeled as defective
    0:56 only want to be a normal person
    0:57 even if it is in Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School
    0:58 why do this with no merit or meaningless things
    0:59 Everyone's social values ​​are biased
    0:59 want to become everyone's friend
    0:59 I will not let you go if you tell this to anyone
    1:00 humans will always cover their dark side
    1:01 not courage to testify
    1:02 Out of self-preservation and turning a blind eye to the crisis of others
    1:02 honestly you guys are the best D class I has ever seen
    1:02 because of he is here, before's wish start to emerge
    1:04 to protect this rare normal life
    1:07 let's get slightly serious about this
    1:09 Never-ending infighting is impossible to advance class. As long as the only dropout problem related to my past is solved
    1:12 let's give a class enough information
    1:14 no matter how many times you ask… I will never… Say it…
    1:14 you think you can win me
    1:15 sorry
    1:17 I never thought I would lose
    1:19 right "long time no see, ayanokoji kun, it has been 8 years and 243 days" left "you are joking right, I don't know you"
    1:20 suprising reunion
    1:21 the moment when we met 8 years ago…
    1:23 I have been waiting to fight you
    1:24 things like burying fake genius like you
    1:25 is only fitting for me
    1:25 can I ask you a question?
    1:26 I wanna know one thing…
    1:26 can you bury me with you. (arragant way of saying with you, impossible…)
    1:29 top- skipping grade's duel. Bottom- the thing with trust is that it is make to be broken
    1:30 top- you strength shouldn't be this much. Bottom- test, the strong's attractions.
    1:32 top- save, breaking the shackle of the past. Bottom- if you do what I say, then I will take responsibility of your past
    1:33 top- it's not lies and violence that is the truth. Bottom- truth, class division's culprit
    1:34 top- if you drop out, then everyone will be troubled. Bottom, persuade (I think) classes' balance
    1:36 top- endure, waiting for a counter attack. Bottom, someday I will personally bite off your throat.
    1:37 top- it's just valentine's custom, don't think too much on it. Bottom- love, throbbing heart
    1:38 full of hardship but accompanied by smiles
    1:39 the only successful product in 20 years of the white room
    1:42 as school year come to an end, Appending a special test
    1:43 an expulsion will appear in every class
    1:45 every responsibility is on me…
    1:46 just like that one time, not able to same everyone
    1:47 framing and become the chairman
    1:48 your father send me here with the sole purpose of forcing ayanokoji dropping out
    1:50 if it is different than what you said, then it had no persuasive power
    1:52 hard to figure out between true love and framing
    1:54 next time, have a offial duel with me
    1:55 betting with your secret
    2:00 right- why, are you here? Left- what’s wrong why are you so surprised
    2:01 suprising setting
    2:03 what are your chances of facing against a class' leader
    2:05 having power but not using it is the most foolish thing to do
    2:07 who ever the opponent is, it's impossible to win against a merciful me, remember that point. (meaning can't even win me if I let you.)
    2:10 it doesn't matter, the now you can advance forward
    2:13 even though I am this shameless, everyone, are you willing to walk with me will the end?
    2:15 I finally, I finally waited until this day
    2:16 after all, people will have to face reality
    2:18 please don't hold back (or use your full power)
    2: 21 people though contact…
    2:22 will experience warmth
    2:23 please remember, skin warmth is not a bad thing
    2:26 can I shake your hands with this me
    2:29 you really finally changed back to the one in my memory
    2:31 one years of memory
    2:32 – 2:33 my feelings are finally realized by that stubborn guy.
    2:35 can you go out with me
    2:36 high school first year life is coming to an end, new challenge awaits

    If you have improvement then tell me

  2. 0:03 kekuatan sejati, apa itu kesetaraan 0:08 kesetaraan … tapi, ketidaksetaraan .. kenyataan
    0:11 Untuk memverifikasi rasionalitas kedua hal ini, hanya ada sedikit penyimpangan kehidupan mapan
    0:14 menjadi orang normal, tinggal di sini selama3 tahun, itulah tujuan saya.
    0:23 yang jahat, apa yang lemah itu jahat 0:25 Jenius dan gila adalah Neighbours 0:29 kebenaran
    0:30 aturan
    0:31 pengkhianatan
    0:31 Pemuda terkait dengan perjuangan dan persahabatan
    0:33 Menyembunyikan bakat dengan sendirinya adalah hal yang luar biasa bakat
    0:36 memiliki musuh yang cerdas lebih baik dari pada a sekutu bumb
    0:39 orang pasti akan mencicipi kepahitan kebebasan
    0:43 awal kehidupan sekolah
    0:44 masa lalu yang tidak diketahui
    0:45 semoga kita bisa bersenang-senang pengalaman 3 tahun ini
    0:47 sayangnya, keinginan dan kenyataan selalu diiringi jarak
    0:48 untuk menjadi kelas terburuk, kelas D. 0: 50-0: 51 setiap orang memiliki variasi kelemahan yang berbeda, bahkan jika mereka berhasil kepada masyarakat, mereka akan dicap sebagai cacat
    0:56 hanya ingin menjadi orang biasa 0:57 meskipun berada di Tokyo Metropolitan Sekolah Pemeliharaan Lanjutan
    0:58 mengapa melakukan ini tanpa manfaat atau hal-hal yang tidak berarti
    0:59 Nilai sosial setiap orang bias
    0:59 ingin menjadi teman semua orang
    0:59 Saya tidak akan membiarkan Anda pergi jika Anda menyuruh ini siapa saja
    1:00 manusia akan selalu menutupi kegelapannya sisi
    1:01 bukan keberanian untuk bersaksi
    1:02 Keluar dari pelestarian diri dan berputar a menutup mata terhadap krisis orang lain
    1:02 sejujurnya kalian adalah kelas D terbaik Saya pernah melihat
    1:02 karena dia ada di sini, keinginan sebelumnya mulai muncul
    1:04 untuk melindungi kehidupan normal yang langka ini
    1:07 mari kita sedikit serius tentang ini 1:09 Pertarungan tanpa akhir tidak mungkin dilakukan untuk memajukan kelas. Selama satu-satunya Masalah putus sekolah yang berhubungan dengan masa lalu saya adalah terpecahkan
    1:12 Mari beri kelas informasi yang cukup
    1:14 tidak peduli berapa kali Anda bertanya … I tidak akan pernah .. Katakan saja …
    1:14 Anda pikir Anda bisa memenangkan saya
    1:15 maaf
    1:17 Saya tidak pernah berpikir saya akan kalah
    1:19 benar "lama tidak bertemu, ayanokoji kun, sudah 8 tahun dan 243 hari "meninggalkan" Anda bercanda benar, saya tidak mengenal Anda "
    1:20 reuni yang mengejutkan
    1:21 saat kita bertemu 8 tahun lalu …
    1:23 Saya telah menunggu untuk melawan Anda
    1:24 hal-hal seperti mengubur jenius palsu seperti Anda
    1:25 hanya cocok untuk saya
    1:25 bolehkah saya mengajukan pertanyaan?
    1:26 Saya ingin tahu satu hal …
    1:26 bisakah kamu menguburku bersamamu. (sombong cara mengatakannya denganmu, tidak mungkin.)
    1:29 duel skipping grade atas. Bawah- hal dengan kepercayaan adalah bahwa itu dibuat untuk menjadi rusak
    1:30 atas- kekuatan Anda seharusnya tidak seperti ini banyak. Ujian bawah, daya tarik si kuat.
    1:32 simpan atas, hancurkan belenggu lalu. Bawah- jika Anda melakukan apa yang saya katakan, maka saya akan melakukannya bertanggung jawab atas masa lalu Anda
    1:33 atas- bukan kebohongan dan kekerasan yang terjadi kebenaran.
    1:34 ke atas-jika Anda keluar, semua orang akan bermasalah. Bawah, bujuk (menurutku) keseimbangan kelas
    1:36 bertahan, menunggu konter menyerang. Bawah, suatu saat nanti saya akan secara pribadi menggigit tenggorokanmu.
    1:37 atas- ini hanya kebiasaan valentine, jangan terlalu memikirkannya. Cinta bawah, jantung berdenyut
    1:38 penuh kesulitan tetapi disertai dengan tersenyum
    1:39 satu-satunya produk yang sukses dalam 20 tahun dari ruangan putih
    1:42 saat tahun ajaran berakhir, Menambahkan tes khusus
    1:43 pengusiran akan muncul di setiap kelas
    1:45 setiap tanggung jawab ada pada saya …
    1:46 seperti itu sekali saja, tidak bisa sama semua orang
    1:47 membingkai dan menjadi ketua 1:48 ayahmu mengirim saya ke sini dengan satu-satunya tujuan memaksa ayanokoji putus sekolah
    1:50 jika berbeda dengan yang Anda katakan, maka itu tidak memiliki kekuatan persuasif
    1:52 sulit untuk membedakan antara cinta sejati dan pembingkaian
    1:54 lain kali, lakukan duel resmi dengan saya
    1:55 bertaruh dengan rahasia Anda

  3. ญาณันสิริ Aimtee · Edit

    パート2が欲しいです。 制御不能に混乱し、小説を読み、すべての漫画を購入する しかし、それでもアニメの部分を続けたかった😥😢😰

  4. Jump from 10-stories building · Edit

    To use violence to plunge his enemy into fear and dominate them.

    The fear that if you make an enemy out of him, there's no telling when

    he'd attack you.

    "Enjoy this temporary pleasure. Go on, victory is within your reach.


    Despite losing his ability to fight back, (spoiler) continued laughing

    to the bitter end.

    "When a human being goes up against someone weaker, they'd feel

    emotions like pleasure. And fear lurks on the other side of that coin."

    Fear lurks on the other side of emotions?

    "Do you want to win? Do you not want to lose? What feelings are

    you feeling, Ayanokouji?"

    Do I want to win?

    Do I not want to lose?

    "Right now…are you laughing at your dominion over me? Are you

    angry? Or perhaps you're excited? Or perhaps you're irritated? Tell


    I don't know what he's been saying for a while now. Unfortunately,I can't see my own face, my own expression.

    But there's one thing I am sure of.

    It's that something as trivial as this won't shake my heart. There

    should be no emotions seeping out.

    I landed my fist on (spoiler)'s face for a number of time I've lost

    count of.


    I won't stop anymore.

    Right. Then left. I continued to swing my fists with the same force

    behind them.

    (spoiler)'s face contorted.

    Yes, that's it (spoiler). Now you see too, no?

    That the feeling known as fear certainly exists within himself.

    I pummeled (spoiler) with a blow more powerful than any that came


    And in that single blow, I reaped his consciousness.

    "You may have planned to manipulate my heart but

    unfortunately for you, I don't have a heart that can be


    ~Chapter 05:Crossing Thoughts, Vol 7, Classroom of the elite Light Novel


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