Chicken Invaders 1 Highscore Run


Chicken Invaders 1 Highscore Run

Kinda hoped to go further, but after wave 100, whether or not a chicken will lay a lightning-fast egg on you or not is a complete matter of luck, so whatever….I’m still happy with this run!
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Tag: game chicken invaders, [vid_tags]

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  1. ohhh myyy ….plz someone tell me its name …I'm trying so hard to download this game cuz I used to play this 4 – 5 years ago and now playstore doesn't have this game…plz someone tell me its name ….I'm searching for chicken invaders in the playstore but there are some other options….plz someone tell me its original namee

  2. Ahh I still remember when I was like 4 or 5 and when we used to go to our cousins' my brother and a cousin brother…they both used to play this game and me and my cousin sister used to stare like "WOW" and then we (me and my brother) used to play it at our home when I was like 6… I even remember him shouting like "PRESS CTRL! PRESS CTRL!" He was like 12-13 back then… Nostalgia!! ahhh old times… I'm literally crying right now…life was soooo good back then and now- nevermind have a good day if you are reading my comment :^)


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