10 Flashcard Games for Young English Learners and Phonics class


10 Flashcard Games for Young English Learners and Phonics class

10 Flashcard Games for Young English Learners


In this video I share 10 Flashcard games to play with young English learners and phonics class


First Day of Class Icebreakers►
25 ESL Role Playing Games►
Teacher Confidence►


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0:00 Flashcard Intro
0:46 Hide and Seek game (also called 4 corners)
1:43 Musical Chairs Flashcards
2:29: Jump on the Card
3:00 Slow, Fast and Lipreading
3:44 Over and Under
4:09 Easy or Hard
4:49 Vanishing Flashcards
5:12 Basketball
5:37 Tic Tac Toe for Kindergarten
6:10 Sumo Game for young learners






teacher tips. teacher advice. new teacher. teacher help. teaching. esl. english. speaking games. esl games. speaking activities. English speaking. teaching english. teach. esl. speaking activities. speaking games. English as second language. learn english.


A big thank you to all the teachers out there making a difference in the lives of all their students. Your impact will not go unnoticed and there is tremendous gratitude for the work and effort you put into this profession.

#esl #flashcard #englishteacher

Tag: esl flashcard games, esl flashcard games, esl flashcards, esl flashcard games for young learners, phonics flashcards, how to use flashcards in teaching english, esl flashcard games for kindergarten, flashcard activities for preschool, classroom card games, flash card games in classroom, flashcard games, flash card game, flashcard games for kindergarten, flashcards games, esl games for kindergarten, games with flashcards, flashcards games for kindergarten, flash card, esl kindergarten games

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Filed under: PC


  1. Hello! Thank you for the video I found it VERY useful!!
    I am teaching kids between 3 and 7 years old in Vietnam. I struggle when we start a new topic with new vocabulary because they still don't know the words to play games. What's your method for new words? And also do you spend the whole hour playing games or do you have others less playful techniques for the beginning? Thank you so much!!

  2. Dear Eric, what time is your live stream tomorrow? I don't want to miss it! As you probably know, I am at home, like almost everyone in the whole world, so there are no excuses, I just have to manage my time properly.

  3. Love the games and specifically tic-tac-toe idea! I started letting my students play tic-tac-toe with spelling words where instead of Xs and Os, they use words, in that way they repeatedly write the words down. Real fun 🌻


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