
SFA X SCA: Sweet Potato Leaves with Dried Shrimps

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SFA X SCA: Sweet Potato Leaves with Dried Shrimps

We have teamed up with Chef KK Kong from the Singapore Chefs’ Association to whip up this simple dish, using locally grown sweet potato leaves.

Support our local farmers by choosing local produce. You can buy local produce online ( or in supermarkets. Just look out for the SG Fresh Produce logo!

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300 grams locally farmed fresh sweet potato leaves
20 grams garlic (peeled)
35 grams shallots (peeled)
80 grams fresh red chilli (peel of stem)
10 grams chilli padi (optional, for added spiciness)
50 grams belachan
40 grams dried shrimps (washed and drained)

Salt and pepper to taste
Cooking oil

1. Cut or pluck the sweet potato leaves. Wash and drain.
2. Blend the garlic, shallots, and chilli into a paste. Set aside.
3. Roast the belachan until the aroma is released.
4. Heat oil in a wok. Add blended paste, belcachan, and dried shrimps. Stir-fry until fragrant.
5. Add sweet potato leaves, stir-fry until vegetables are cooked. Season accordingly.

Tip: For added “bite”, fry some dried shrimps and sprinkle them on top before serving.

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